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Tips for how to become successful


1. Consume motivational content

Frequently we are so wrapped up in our daily to-dos that we are far from future focused. Yet, the most successful people (from small business owners to CEOs of major companies) are always envisioning their dreams and aspirations coming to life. It’s fun, it’s fulfilling, and therefore definitely worth doing, and of course, a key ingredient of entrepreneurship. If you aren’t sure what those are for yourself, consider listening to some motivational podcasts, reading inspirational blogs or other types of encouraging content.

2. Define your passions.

 Before you can achieve success, you will have to define what success means to you — and no one else can do that for you. While it may take years to realize what you want to do with your life, identifying your passions, interests, and values will help you set goals and give your life a sense of meaning. If you have trouble identifying these things, then ask a friend or family member to help you. Ask yourself the following questions:

3. Take away distractions

Make a list of things in your life that take up your time or distract you. This could be a phone, a television show or even a person who causes you stress. Shut off your phone and put it in a different room when it's time to focus on your goal.

Turn off the television and put the remote across the room. Only keep in contact with the people who make a positive impact on your life. Now is the best time to start changing habits so that you can focus on achieving success without distractions.

4. Keep planning

Stick to a schedule when working on your goals. Give yourself challenges according to your personal calendar, such as "I will run a five-minute mile by the end of the month," or "I will save $2,000 by the end of the year."

Even if you do not achieve the goal, you will have your starting point in your calendar and will see progress. If you plan your goals and track them in a calendar, you will always have proof of your progress. Having something tangible is a great motivator to keep working toward success.

5.Develop Good Habits  

You can have big dreams, great goals, and still fail. The third key of success requires you to turn your goals into actions. Repeated actions in the right direction become helpful habits. And once you form the right habits, you create momentum.

By creating systems for your life as you form good habits that can help you stay on track. You can build systems by grouping good habits together. Having a system in place can keep you from having to make decisions on the fly or having to keep track of doing all your goal-oriented tasks one by one.

6. Deal And Communicate With People Effectively: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others.

Successful people develop and nurture a network and they only do that by treating people openly, fairly and many times firmly. There is nothing wrong about being firm – just don’t cross the a-hole line. How do you deal with people?

7) Successful People Possess a “Can Do” Attitude

Enthusiastic and always ready for a challenge, successful people look at finding solutions. They are fixers in life. They’re not obsessed about fixing things that can’t be fixed though and know when to back off and let something go. People with low self esteem tend to be the ones that find it hard to let go as they associate themselves and the task as one and see themselves as failures if they are unable to fix the issue. Successful people can maintain perspective and not get carried away with their enthusiasm. They recognise when effort outweighs the benefits.

8) They’re Optimistic at Heart

At the thought of a new project, successful people are looking at possibilities instead of looking at all the possible problems. They allow the delicate creative process to develop before adding in rational and realistic forecasts. Nothing would ever be invented or achieved if we all started a project by looking at what could go wrong with it instead of focusing on what is possible. They look for the good in situations and this attitude creates a strong mental buffer that protects optimists against the ravages of the negative aspects in life.

9.Successful People Possess Unwavering Self Belief

Successful people do sometimes suffer from self doubt but they are good at talking themselves out of it or not taking their thoughts too seriously. Instead of over analysing all that could go wrong, they concentrate on their strengths. These strengths serve as the basic foundation from which they leap out into the wide world to show off their skills. Self belief accounts for a large part of success. I have seen many people with lacklustre talent achieve great things due to their self belief. I have also seen super talented people waste their potential completely due to their lack of self belief. Self belief is the ‘springboard’, talent influences how high you can go. Without self belief – all talent is wasted.

Many of us, especially women, have been taught that the package we come in--our bodies--determines how much acceptance and joy we're entitled to. We've been trained from a young age to believe that attractiveness is equivalent to our worth as human beings. And lo and behold, we are often treated this way in real life by grown adults!--which reinforces these ugly lies.

 10. Be committed

Through commitment, you can gain motivation to pursue success. You should make a list that includes your goal, your level of commitment to the goal and what you're willing to do to achieve that goal.

Staying focused on your plan is crucial. It helps to put aside at least 15 minutes per day to think about your plan and work toward it. This will keep your goal fresh in your mind and allow you to continue focusing on it.

In determining your commitment to your goal, however, it's important to ensure you have realistic expectations of yourself and the outcome. If your commitment is not paying off after a certain time, you should adjust your goal accordingly and revise any necessary steps.At times it may be helpful to ask a friend or family member for support in helping you stick to you.

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