This is about parenthood and lifestyle

11 Must Have Life Skills Every Adult Needs

There are skills that children need to learn: tying their shoes, cleaning their room, and brushing their teeth are a few examples. There are also important life skills that adults need to learn.These skills will help you not only survive, but thrive in the big world.

Master these skills and reap the benefits:Make a great first impression. It’s not easy to overcome a negative first impression. Others form an opinion about you very quickly, and it takes a significant amount of time to change that impression.

Wouldn’t life be so much happier and easier if it came with a manual tailored for your specific  needs. Imagine for a second, knowing exactly what to do, and when to do it. 

Should you buy  that house? Should you date that person? Should you accept that job offer? These and many more  decisions would be so much easier if we knew the outcomes.

 Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case,  and most of what we learned as children becomes irrelevant as we grow older and age.

You’ll have to learn a lot as you transition into adulthood, things like managing your taxes,  paying bills, and managing your finances need to become second nature to you. And although many  

of the things you’ll need to learn and do aren't difficult to achieve, you must be aware of them.

So let me save you time and give you the simple life skills every adult needs to learn,  to successfully navigate life and achieve their goals and desires, no matter how small.

Number 1: Effective time management

On one side of the coin, you will encounter many situations throughout your life where  you have to juggle, multiple personal and professional priorities. And on the other side,  dealing with the pitfalls of life. 

 But knowing how to manage your time,  can significantly help manage this problem.

It's imperative to stick with one task at a time when it comes to time management. It is  counterproductive to multitask because the brain expends energy switching between activities. 

Also, multitasking has been show to drastically  decrease the quality of work and productivity of the individual.

Number 2: Learn how to set goals.

Goals can help you achieve what you most desire in life. Without goals, your life lacks direction.  

The acronym "SMART" has stood the test of time because it's effective. And this acronym simply  means that your goals should be Specific – A clear and well defined goal is easier to focus and  measure progress.

Measurable – you should be able to clearly track your progress and  achievements.

Achievable – the goal needs to be within reach given your resources and  abilities. 

Relevant – meaning that it should align with your values and interest,  and overall life or career objective. 

 Timebound – therefore it should  be subjected to a deadline, because the sense of urgency helps keeps you focused.

A good goal should be one that inspires and excites you, it should give you a sense of  purpose and direction, and it should also be challenging, yet achievable.

Number 3: Budgeting

Budgeting and financial responsibility are vital life skills, and are also  the foundation of a financially secure life.

Making a budget is at the top of the list of people’s favorite money-saving tactics. Having  a budget not only allows you to track every penny you spend, but it can also be used to assess your  current financial condition and make future projections. 

With a budget, you can determine  how much of your income you put into savings, and your biggest expenses, such as; housing,  food, and transportation. In addition, it can help you keep track of your debt repayment progress.

If you have never created a budget, you can start today by following these 5 simple steps: 

  • First, record your income: Estimate your monthly income, from wages, tips,  and so on. Almost all expenses are paid monthly, so making a budget for one month works well. 
  • Secondly, document Your Expenses: List each expenditure in a month.  Write down your monthly fixed expenses, like rent. The calculate your average  monthly grocery spending. If you have only recurring expenses, such as auto repairs,  divide the yearly cost by 12. Also include insurance, home maintenance, and taxes.
  • Thirdly, budget for savings: Don't forget to set aside funds for savings. Saving the  leftovers from your income at the end of the month is unlikely to yield any results. Rather,  pay yourself first: Treat savings as a necessity, and take it before anything else.
  • The second last point is, maintain a balanced budget:  Compile your income and expenditures. If the numbers balance, you are in reasonable  shape. You can add the extra to your savings if your income is higher than your expenses.  Find ways to cut costs, or earn some extra money, if expenses exceed income.
  • And lastly, be flexible: Budgeting is a process. So, you'll need to adjust  it as time moves on. Maintain a record of how much you spend monthly. If necessary,  move your money from areas where your budgeting is better to areas where you perform poorly. 
  • Also,  you can change your budgeting method if you have trouble following it.  For income that fluctuates from month to month, you might want  to try zero-based budgeting. This system bases your spending on your previous monthly income.

Number 4: Negotiating effectively.

We all want to avoid being cheated out of our money, so having excellent negotiation skills  is helpful not only for professionals, but also you. Negotiation is a valuable life skill since  making an offer and learning how to negotiate can save you money. If you find yourself in  a challenging money situation, the ability to negotiate well, will come in handy.

 And,  if you’re not comfortable with negotiating, keep practicing until you feel confident.

Number 5: Learn the art of public speaking

Communication is part of everyday life, but you must know the basics that will captivate your  audience. Others may take to public speaking like it was second nature, whereas some may squirm in  the corner. You can take the initiative and sign up for a public speaking class or jump right in  and speak to a large group of people if you’re confident and the opportunity avails itself.  

You can share your ideas in a religious setting or engage in an open forum at your community meeting  to home your public speaking skills. As you practice, you'll notice that your skills improve.

Number 6: Network effectively.

Even though many people are resistant to networking, it is necessary for your success,  and probably your children’s too. The strength of your professional network is the people you  have at your disposal. 

These are people you can turn to for advice, information,  referrals, and introductions, and in the same vain, turn to you.

Number 7: Make a positive first impression.

Did you know that first impressions are formed in about three seconds. Within this short period,  people form an opinion about you based on your appearance, body language, and demeanor. 

If you  make a positive impression, it will impact all areas of your life, whether in your career or  social life. So make it a norm, to be presenting the best version of yourself at all times.

Number 8: Learn how to socialize with people.

The vast majority of people reach adulthood without any knowledge  of getting along with others. If you happen to struggle with getting along with others,  a good starting point is Dale Carnegie's advice in his classic book, "How to Win  Friends and Influence People.". 

The following are six ways Carnegie suggests making others like you:

1. Genuinely show interest in others. 2. Smile a lot. 

3. It is imperative to remember a person's name. 

4. You should always listen carefully to what  people are saying. Allow them to tell you about themselves. 

5. It would be best to always speak about the other person's interests. 

6. You should make them feel important - and do it with honesty.

Number 9: Take Advantage of Body Language.

Our body language reveals our true feelings and amplifies our message. It goes beyond just words. Voice tone, gestures, and posture all play a key role. 

The expression of a relaxed smile with an upturned mouth and wrinkled eyes is  an excellent example of body language. An upright stance can convey interest or  touching your head can communicate thinking.

 Hand and arm movements can convey directions.  

It can also be about avoiding defensive postures or restlessly tapping feet. 

If you can "read" signs like these, you can understand what someone is trying  to tell you. You'll know how people react to what you say and do. 

And it  will improve your ability to appear positive, engaged, and approachable.

Number 10: Learn Effective Decision Making Skills.

Every day, we constantly have to make choices in life. In some cases,  these choices can be easy; in others, they can be challenging.  

A simple decision can be choosing the clothes to wear, what to eat, or read.

The most difficult decisions require deep thought. College, career choices,  starting a family, and even getting married and having children are all difficult decisions.  

Making these decisions is challenging because they profoundly impact who we are and what we do.

In a nutshell, decision-making is a skill everyone needs. We do not innately possess it;  instead, it is a proven process derived from experience.

 And  here are five easy steps you can use to make the right decision.

1. Determine Your Goal. Focusing on your goal is  

one of the most effective ways to make decisions. You need to clarify the purpose of your decision  

by asking yourself, what exactly are you trying to achieve? How can this problem be resolved? 

You'll make better decisions if you know what's most important to  

you. Deciding with a sound reason will allow you to defend and stick with it.

2. Weigh the Options. Making good decisions involves  gathering relevant information. In this way, you will better grasp the problems and solve them. 

Ask your friends and family members for their opinions or speak to experts because,  this will help you develop various options when  weighing your options. Use every resource you can before making your final decision.

3. Examine the Consequences. Your final decision can be just as important as  your first decision because it will determine the impact on you and others.

 Ask yourself what will  likely happen because of your decision. How will it impact you? Will it have long-term effects?

Here you can compare the positive or negative options you listed earlier. It is crucial  because you want to be comfortable with all your choices and the results.

4. Decide. Having identified  your goal and gathered all necessary data, you can now weigh the consequences and  decide. Trusting your instincts is vital since this step can cause anxiety in some people. 

Consider this when deciding what you want. Ask yourself, "is it right for you now?" Will it work  in the long run? Answering these questions will make you feel good about the outcome.

5. Measure Your Results.

To succeed, you must evaluate both the decision and the steps you've taken  once you've decided on your final course of action.

 As you would from step one,  you will benefit quite a bit from this last step, as it will aid you in developing decision-making  skills for the future. You may also need to seek out new information and make changes as you go. 

You need to exercise patience during this step. But why? Because the results may not  come right away. You may have to choose another option if the first choice does not work.Moving on.

Number 11: Know how to use a first aid kit.

This may sound funny, but not a lot of people know what’s in a first Aid kit,  nor how to properly use the things in it. 

 Nearly everyone will need a first aid kit  at some point in their lives. So, you should ensure that you know how to use the equipment  when the time arises. It is a good idea to have one at home and one in your vehicle.

15 Things Poor People Do That The Rich Don’t


I know that many of you are on your way to [achieving] financial success

So I wanted to put together a list of things that poor people do which guarantees our mediocrity.

Please take all of these with a grain of salt and realize these are here to make you think about your current situation.And what you could do to better yourself?

As always there are plenty of exceptions to these rules not everyone is in control of those circumstances

But being aware of these habits and activities might give you a slight edge and who knows if you stop doing them

Maybe you'd be closer to that goal. You've been dreaming about here are 15 things poor people do that the rich don't

Number One. Poor people watch a lot of TV

Let me put it this way if you [have] [the] time to watch reality TV you're probably poor. It's always amazing how much time poor people waste on Meaningless television

It's one of those distractions that grabs you and doesn't let go [if] you know which celebrity is dating who and if you're watching TV shows every week as the episodes come on if you have a favorite news channel

You're probably watching too much television hence why your life is the way it is let us explain celebrity gossip and buzz offers no value to your life.It only serves the celebrities ,rich people aim to be on TV instead of watching it you might say.

But rich people are watching as a big bang theory which is a really funny show and it helps them disconnect.That's exactly the issue you disconnect from your problems instead of dealing with them and getting them out of the way there are rare occasions

where in the words of John Lennon time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time?

But really think about it should sitting and slide watching a screen be something you really enjoy [doing]

Before we move forward to the second thing poor people - let me explain what we meant by having a favorite news channel you might

Say that the only good reason to watch TV is to be aware of what's happening in the world staying informed the problem

we're seeing with this is that ,TV stations are always biased in order to pick their own [Magenta]instead use the power of the internet ,to get a quick glimpse of what the world is like today and move on to do your own thing.

Number two [Poor] people eat fast food

Health is really important and many poor [people] have no interest in [knowing]. What's in their food?What an actual healthy meal should look like or barely know anything about nutrition?

Poor people are blasting their brains with large quantities [of] [sugar] and fats with no nutritional value

They are actively ruining their bodies and as in effect they cannot perform at 100% of their potential [if] you're not healthy all aspects of your [life] are directly affected ,you'll suffer physically ,mentally,professionally and even romantically

Number three. Poor people buy clothes or products [that] are on sale

Let me put it this way the only thing you should buy on sale are stocks.

While poor people are looking to conserve or stretch the little that they have ,the rich are focused on increasing their incomes.

Just think about it, the clothes that end up being on sale are the ones that [people] who could [afford] to pay the full price didn't want by buying clothes on sale. You're just making sure that you're looking exactly like someone who can't afford to pay the full price.

Number four. Poor people wake up later than rich people do in their early years

Poor people are often lazier than the rich in the early days.

We know that some of you will be bothered a lot by the previous statement, but statistically It's the truth . Someone who used their youth to grow themselves, is a lot less likely [to] remain poor later on in life instead [if] you wake up late.

Don't educate yourself waste time on meaningless activities ,at one point you'll find yourself so far behind what the world needs from you that you'll end up miserable. The Paradox is that people who do not focus on growth in the early days, end up working a lot harder with little success rate later in life .

Number [5]

Where people are really into sports

The truth is unless you're a professional athlete or an owner of one of the teams[there's] really no reason for you to watch sports. It's the same with television. It's escapism from your current reality.

Think of it like this, you're putting yourself in a position where you as an individual have no impact on the outcome of the game.

Zero Impact this behavior then sticks with you and you end up being a spectator in life, instead of being [a] player or an owner?

And that's when you start criticizing other people when you yourself haven't done anything better.

Number six. Poor people don't shower as often as rich people who initially we thought this was just a made-up fact

But it turns out to be true and amazingly . It explains a lot when you really think about it.

Most of the jobs today are in the service industries where human contact is a must, in order to have a successful exchange of value.People who don't have good personal hygiene will in time be less successful than their counterparts.

People tend to trust them ,less people want to spend less time when their presence and all of this has ramifications.

In their personal life if people don't like you and don't want to be around you ,what kind of partners will you attract exactly?It might seem ridiculous, but the first step to success should be an early morning shower

Number seven. Poor people blame others for their misfortune

How many people do you know that have some sort [of] excuse or blame other factors for not being successful yet?There are some things that are out of our control but 99% of your life is on you.

Remember that you are in charge of your life. You [are] in charge of your relationships you are in charge of your health you want these to change do something about it life is [not]. What happens to us it's how we react to what happens to us.

When something bad [happens] the poor choose to victimize themselves while the rich look into it study it.

They seek [to] find out what happened.Why it happened and how they can protect from it in the future?

While one assumes the position of vulnerable victim the other uses it as a growing point.

Number eight. Poor people have no money saved

One of the differences between poor people and the rich is that the former don't get ready for what's next.Having money put aside allows for Growth

Let's say something bad happens if you have money put aside the problem is solved,and you can resume your life. if you don't and the situation is urgent[what] do you do you either liquidate an asset like your car house?Or you can take a loan for the rich when the situation is overthey're left in the same position - the savings

While for someone who's poor their lifestyle has been dramatically hit or now belongs to the creditor now.

Let's look at the exact opposite an opportunity arises

Those who have money put aside?

Now have the chance to expand their lives while the other can't afford to take a full advantage of this opportunity

That's why the rich are growing richer while the poor are getting poorer?

Number [9] . Poor people use credit cards or take out loans for useless things

One of the main differences between rich and poor is how they make use of credit?

The rule is simple if you take out a loan to buy something that doesn't generate more money than the loan don't take it.

You should only use credit [if] what you'll be using it for is an investment

Want to take out a loan for a large TV?

Don't want a loan to buy that new supreme gear don't want to use credit cards to get the new iphone Don't.

Unless you're flipping the supreme gear for profit or you're using your iphone to develop a new app to grow your business.

[These] items should not be on your credit, instead earn the money and then spend it. You'll learn more about this on number 12 number.

Number 10. Poor people tend to have more kids and earlier in [life] the truth

Is kids are really really expensive we all know how fun it is [to] make them or at least?

Practice making them but people get stuck up to this point. They don't think it's true

Just to give you a sense of perspective if you're living in one of the more developed countries raising a child will cost you approximately the [hundred] and fifty thousand dollars because [of] a lack of education.

That environment and other factors poor people have on average [more] children and at a younger age than their rich counterparts while the rich wait a couple of years until their standards of living improve in order to assure the right environment and prime conditions for their child to flourish the poor just go ahead with it.

Once the baby comes the struggling begins just so they can stay afloat and progress Beyond barely surviving is almost impossible to achieve.

Number Eleven. Poor people do not do regular checks

They're doctors

We've touched on the importance of health in the past, but this is an especially important point for people. Do not get themselves checked regularly

Let's say by mere chance you end up having a difficult disease like cancer, if you do regular check-up you'll discover in early Stages making the treatment possible at a lower cost. [if] on the other hand you neglect to do so you might discover it only when it's too late it will cost both you and your entire family of Fortune.

And no matter how much money you have you might still lose your life

Number 12. Poor people spend money before they get it

One of the biggest dangers in life is spending money before you have it . The second you start borrowing money or acquiring expenses before you're able to pay them .Your life starts to spiral down if you don't have money for something that you're [willing] to part with without affecting your life, then you can't afford it .go back to work

 Number 13. Poor people surround themselves with other poor people.

One of the ways [people] make sure they stay poor is by associating themselves or hanging out with other poor people that reinforce their core beliefs. You need people around you that will inspire you and push you further, that are doing incredible [things] themselves,whose success will only motivate you to exceed your current reality .

If you're hanging out with the same people you did when you were young,you might want to double check.

Don't be afraid to step away from a crowd and move on to something better if you don't. Your potential will probably be crushed by those who want to feel better about their miserable lives by making [sure] you suffer the same fate?

Number 14. Poor people never follow through on their ideas or potential.

You're not able to control who your parents are,where you are born or [the] way society treats you. The only thing you can control is the amount of hours you put into your dream.

Every single person alive only has 24 hours per day,and yet some do a lot more than others. If you dedicate yourself to learning and implementing more about what you're passionate about,It's only a matter of time until you reach success.

You've heard that 9 out [of] 10 businesses fail in their first three [years]. Well do you know how many businesses fail because they never got started ?The answer is all of them if you have an idea.

Work on it, put it out, get feedback, improve it, launch again and again and again.

Number 15. Poor people believe that others should help them reach the top the [world] doesn't owe you anything

Nobody does believe it or not you're in this by yourself. You are in charge

What happens in your life?

The thing is everyone believes when they're young that they're going to be successful, but then [reality] happens this world

We're living in rewards only the best the best those that never quit those that keep learning.Keep adapting and understand that nobody will solve their problems for them.

Face them head-on and along the way you might meet people who feel the [same] way and might share parts of the journey with you.Otherwise you'll just be a part of that majority that's meant to fail

If you know someone who's guilty of any of these 15 things,please try to help him/ her by showing him these 15 ideas and hopefully he/ she will change.

Please write. I will be rich in the [comments] section make your desires public so we can keep you accountable for them.


Always Be Silent In Five Situation

Hello ,good people have come a cross in your life where you can't keep quiet or be silent even if the situations is burning. Below are five situations where you should stay silent even if you will be looked down upon.

Your silence can be of great importance and achievement in your life. Because it prevents scolding, fighting and other verbal vices.

Number one .When your judgment is clouded

The first case when you should not speak up is when you are having trouble thinking clearly. This can be for many reasons maybe you are tired or under the influence or full of anger or anxiety.

In these situations it's better to wait a little before you speak your mind.If you don't it is possible that you will say something you will regret afterward.

If you give your ideas time to mature and still think the same way,you can talk about it later but not when you are compromised emotionally or in other ways.

Number two.

When your words will be hurtful.

The second situation in which you should not speak up ,is when your words are more likely to be hurtful beyond being useful.

Sure there are situations when others need to hear the truth harsh as it may be, but these situations are rarer than we think.

Consider whether the words you want to speak are going to be useful or if you are acting to hurt the other person.

Number three. When your opinion doesn't


The next situation when you should not speak up is when your opinion is irrelevant.

It's never easy to admit and accept it.However ,it's very important even if our ego doesn't agree.

When you don't know enough about a situation or other people are experts or when your opinion has no impact on others.

It's often better to stay silent just because it's the wisest thing to do.Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn't value your words.

Number four . When you don't have enough


Sure in some situations we are free to speculate and speak up even if we don't have evidence.

However, this is not always true when we are talking about something that will likely have a big impact on another person.

For instance on their physical and mental well-being ,we should not offer information that is not certain.

Hearsay might be fine in some contexts but if our hearsay can sway a big decision it's best not to speak.

Say for instance that a person is considering whether to use a medication that might help them,it's best not to bring up a rumor about a friend of a friend who used that medication and had side effects unlessyou are certain it's a fact and not a rumor.

Number five . When asked not to speak

If recognizing that your opinion is not relevant, is hard for the ego being asked to stay silent is even harder.

You might be asked to take a back seat in some situations for instance in some work ,contexts or in other circumstances and that can make us want to speak up.

However, it's best to restrain that impulse and instead reflect why are we being asked to stay silent,listening and learning can also be good in these situations.

Number six .When you don't have anything to say.

Just because you feel you ought to add something doesn't mean you should,instead you might support what someone else has said.

It can feel awkward saying that you don't have something to add but it is usually better than speaking for the sake of speaking.

Allow yourself to admit when there is nothing to add,be careful with your words once they are said they can be only forgiven not forgotten.

6 Ways to Get People to Respect You (Avoid Being Taken Advantage Of)

Do you often find yourself being taken advantage of?Perhaps you're often talked down to and treated as less than.

Sometimes people can be harsh and judgmental.And you may feel as if they don't hold any respect for you.

It's not always nice to hang around those who don't value you.So, if given the chance,it may be best to simply walk away,and say good riddance.

But, if you find you're always being subtly treated this way maybe you'd like to adopt some behaviors to gain respect.

You can still be you.You just simply respect yourself enough,to not let others walk all over you.Sound like a plan?


Here are six ways to get people to respect you.

Number one, Respect yourself first.

We should all learn to love ourselves.And in doing so,give us the respect we deserve.Often at times we can be too harsh on ourselves,and let our insecurities and dark thoughts take the lead.

But do away with them.With a little practice self-respect,you can be on your way to thinking higher of yourself and loving you in the process.

Many researchers, such as Herbert M. Lefcourt,state that having a sense of internal locus of control,over our own lives,is a key condition for our mental health.

Locus of control,refers to how much someone feels a sense of agency towards their life.

Someone with an internal locus of control believes the things that happened to them are strongly influenced by their own actions,abilities or mistakes.

  • To practice self-respect,you must first allow yourself to say no,without feeling guilty.
  • Prioritize what is important in your life.
  • Protect yourself.
  • And choose to keep only healthy relationships.It's key to not let others take advantage of you.
  • And make sure you get what you pay for in life.

So if you're at an ice cream stand,and you paid for two scoops of ice cream,and only received one,instead of brushing it off,simply ask that you receive that extra chocolate scoop,and don't feel guilty about it.It's just ice cream, and you're hungry.

Your priority right now is to satisfy your appetite.And guess what?Ice cream is the way.Two scoops please.

Furthermore, it's important to knowyou can create your own happiness,not just others.

This is a form of self-respect as well.So go ahead and enjoy those two scoops.You respect yourself too much to not appreciate themand you.

Number two. Set clear boundaries.

It's important to set boundaries for ourselves and others.

Let's say your friend often comes over to your housefor movie night.You love and care for your friend.But they aren't the most respectful guests.

  1. They put their feet up on your coffee table.
  2. They bring their dog fleas over.
  3. They eat most of your food
  4. They leave Cheeto Puff remainson your furniture, everywhere.

Do they respect you?It doesn't look like it.

A good step would be to set some boundaries for when company comes over.And discuss them with your dear friend.You can be kind when discussing this with them and consider their point of view as well.

But it's your home,and it's ultimately your rules.So tell them they can't keep scavenging through your fridge.Fleas must be on a leash,and to keep their cheese-filled hands to themselves.Not on the furniture.And pause off the table, fleas.

Number three,

Understand you don't have to be nice all the time.

Who wouldn't wanna be nice when they want to?But when you feel like you have to,at the expense of your own happiness,it's not a good idea.

Sadly, a lot of people think,they can take advantage of those who are kind to them.

This doesn't mean you have to stop being a good person.Just simply know when you must put yourself first,and also don't feel guilty about it all the time.

You may think that if you don't do every favor your friend asks of you,they might not like you anymore.

But what kind of friend is that?You may feel guilty if you don't accept your friend's invitation to hang out every time.But you just got snuggled into a bubble bath.

You just like to be alone tonight.Perhaps you don't allow yourself to not smile.So you throw on a contrived smile before you go out the door,even when you're having a bad day,as great as smiling feels.

A forced smile can't always make you feel better.Allow yourself to admit you're having a bad day.

You don't need to be in a certain mood for anyone.Allowing unnecessary guilt to take control can leave you associating these one's happy actions with something forced and uncomfortable.

Practice assuring yourself,that if you allow yourself,the guilt free time to relax first,you'll only feel happier when the time comes to hang out with your friend next.

Number four. Speak up

Many of us often have shy personalities.So doing all the talking during a group conversation may not be our thing.

But just because you're shy,doesn't mean you should let others interrupt you.If others often interrupt you,or appear as if they aren't listening,there's some tricks you can use to make yourself heard.

First, try saying the name of the person you're speaking to mid conversation.

Similar to the cocktail party effect,we will often have our attention pulled back to reality when our names are heard.

Such as when we're at a cocktail party and here our name in the distance.You know how your music teacher would always say your name mid sentence to regain your attention?We're doing the same thing here.

Another trick is to often use hand gestures,and give an equal amount of eye contact to everyone.Using hand gestures grabs attention,and strongly conveys your message.

Eye contact.If someone was looking into the depths of your soul,you'd be bound to notice.Just make sure you give everyone,equal amounts of eye contact.Maybe no soul staring today.

Number five. Don't over-apologize.

Do you often find yourself apologizing for something that wasn't even your fault?It may just become habit to say, sorry when something goes wrong.You may only wanna say it to not be unkind.

But your words should carry weight,especially in apology.If you apologize too often,your sorry maybe viewed as nothing to others who hear it too often.

And unfortunately,over-apologizing can be a sign to others that you are submissive.Sooner or later, they'll assume,you'll be the one to take the blame.Or that you're too nice to speak up if they walk all over you.

Some common things we unnecessarily apologize for.If you don't wanna do a favor, don't apologize.

-It's a favor.

-If you have an opposing opinion,agree to disagree.

It's your opinion.Stand by it.

*Remember, you don't have to be unkind.Say sorry, when sorry is do.

But be conscious of how often and how unnecessarily you do say it.

Number six,

Display confident body language.

Confidence is key.And that's what people often say.And it can be very true most times.

If you want to command respect,a good way is to let your body language show,that you can't be pushed around.

Quite literally too.

Strong stance and good posture won't send you toppling over if bumped into.So, use good posture and stand up tall,make good eye contact when listening and speaking.

Crossing our arms is often seem as defensive.So it's best to relax them by your side.

Carry your head high and eyes forward,instead of looking to the ground.Observe the scene at a party,don't be afraid to people watch.And it's a party after all.

And remember those hand gestures,continue to use them while speaking.And you'll be as confident and respected as an international leader.

So, do you often feel disrespected?

Will you use these tips?

Do you say sorry, often?

Let me know about a time where you felt disrespected.

Which tips would you use to command the respect of others?

Share with  in the comments below.

12 Habits That Damage Your Brain

Habits that damage your brain. When it comes to our health, we don't  always think about taking care of our brains the way we take care of our bodies. We tend to focus  on other parts of the body and overlook the brain which is responsible for all bodily functions.  

Take a look at some of these daily habits that are doing serious damage to your brain.

1. Consuming too much sugar

 Include brain damage to the things we  already associate with a high sugar intake like type 2 diabetes, dental cavities and obesity.  

So you may be asking; How does taking too much candy affect your brain?  

Taking sugar in excessive amounts for a long period of time messes with the body’s ability  to absorb proteins and nutrients. This might consequently lead to malnutrition which deters  brain development. 

This happens because the body lacks enough nutrients in the bloodstream  and therefore is unable to deliver sufficient nutrients to the brain,  which then deters its growth and development. 

Eating too many sweets can damage your memory  and ability to think, so sticking to alternatives like anti-oxidant-rich sweets like dark chocolate  and raspberries would be a much better choice for both your brain and your waistline.

2. Not getting enough sleep

 Insufficient sleep is a huge  problem for many busy professionals. Depriving oneself of sleep can result in several issues  such as extreme daytime drowsiness, depression and impaired memory.

 Recent studies reveal that  not getting enough sleep can actually decrease the size of your brain. The hippocampus is  the part of the brain that suffers when you don’t get enough sleep. Even a single night  of inadequate sleep can interfere with the brain’s ability to recall new information. 

A number of studies have shown that the brain cleanses itself of toxics only during the sleep  cycle. Lack of sleep can also cause the:

  • death of brain cells which slows down your thinking,  
  • impairs your memory, 
  • concentration,
  •  judgement and decision making
  • hinders learning.

3. Playing loud music with earphones or headphones

People naturally tend to crank up the volume. It  makes the music sound more fun and immersive. If you constantly listen to music at a very  high volume with your earphones or headphones you should stop doing it because it can damage  your hearing. 

But it’s not just your ears that are affected. Hearing loss in older  people is connected to brain problems such as loss of brain tissue and Alzheimer’s. 

When your brain has to make an extra effort to understand what someone’s saying it can’t store  what you’ve heard into memory. So protect your hearing by adjusting the volume of your earphones  for it’s a great way to preserve your hearing and permits your brain to function better. suggested one to test to ensure your volume is not too loud.  The digital headphone magazine recommends that one should take off their headphones, keeping them at  your preferred volume and then hold them out in front of you at arm’s length. If you can hear the  music clearly then you should try turning it down and repeating the process. 

They also said that  you should aim to take regular breaks throughout the day to give your ears enough time to relax.

4. Skipping breakfast

 Many people choose to skip  breakfast probably because they’re on a diet or to save time. Not many people know that missing  breakfast could damage your brain.

 The body needs enough nutrients after a good night’s  sleep and so skipping breakfast denies the brain of these essential nutrient. Frequent skipping of breakfast increased the chances  of having a stroke and high blood pressure. It lowers blood glucose levels thus affecting functioning of the brain.

5. Eating too much food

 Overindulging in food makes us gain weight,  feel boated and increases our chances of having life threatening diseases. But one fact that you  might be unaware of is that it can also do serious damage to your brain.  It hardens the brain arteries hence harming our mental capabilities.

 Studies have shown  that a prolonged high-calorie diet can in fact increase a person’s risk of developing memory loss  or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) later in life.

 A study published in the journal Neurology in 2012  examined 6,000 people who were 50 years old on average.  The same participants were examined a decade later, and the ones who were overweight had a 22%  higher deterioration of their cognitive functions as compared to their slimmer counterparts.

6. Sleeping with your head under the cover Oxygen is very essential for normal brain  functioning. The less air you inhale, the poorer your brain functions.  

A situation you create where you breathe in less than 20.95% of oxygen is when you sleep  with a blanket or comforter over your head. Is it all warm and cosy when you bury yourself  under the covers? Certainly. 

Does it help to decrease the annoying effects of too  much light or sound first thing in the morning? Of course it does. But it will result in an elevated  intake of carbon dioxide which means you’re increasing the risk of damaging your brain cells.

7. Multitasking

 You’ve probably heard  that multitasking has a negative effect on your productivity. It turns out that doing this also  scrambles your brain and makes you less effective. 

A neurologist at MIT and one the world’s experts  when it comes to divided attention, Earl Miller said that our brains are not wired to multitask  well. When people think they’re multitasking they’re actually switching from one activity  to the other real quick. And every time they do there’s a cognitive cost. The habit of  multitasking also increases the stress hormone cortisol as well as the fight or flight hormone  adrenaline which can overstimulate your brain and can cause mental fog or scrambled thinking. 

Researchers at Stanford University have discovered that people who are bombarded  with multiple streams of digital information regularly have more pronounced problems recalling  information and paying attention when compared to people who complete one activity at a time.

8. Inadequate water intake

 The body is made up of approximately 70% of water,  so it’s vital to every bodily function including brain function. When your brain  is functioning on a full reserve of water, you will be able to think faster, be more focused,  and experience greater clarity and creativity. 

Water is also essential for delivering nutrients  to the brain and for eliminating toxins. When the brain is fully hydrated, the exchange of nutrients  and toxins will be more efficient—thus ensuring better concentration and mental alertness. 

The effect dehydration has on the brain is almost immediate with researchers saying  that even two hours of intense exercise without water can cause a cognitive decline. Studies also  show that dehydration had the most impact on functions like complex problem-solving,  coordination and attention.

 The brain needs sufficient water  to think faster and focus better. So it’s very important that you stay hydrated all the time.  Drinking water benefits both your body and brain enabling them to function better.

9. Smoking

 This is most likely the  most harmful habit that indulging in it has on your brain. Smoking not only causes lung  diseases or even heart disease, but it also has a lot of negative effects on your brain.

 Smoking  damages cell membranes and neural viability in certain areas of the brain that manage balance,  coordination and both fine and gross motor skills. Not only that, but it also thins the cortex where  processes such as language, memory and perception occur. It can also lead to problems like dementia,  Alzheimer’s and maybe even death. 

Smoking excessively causes neuroinflammation indirectly,  which can cause an autoimmune disorder known as Multiple Sclerosis or MS.

10. Consuming alcohol

Alcohol begins affecting a person’s brain the moment it enters the bloodstream. For someone  who is healthy, the liver quickly filters the alcohol, helping the body get rid of it. 

However,  when someone drinks excessively, the liver cannot filter the alcohol fast enough,  and this triggers immediate changes in the brain; often known as getting drunk. 

Alcohol causes chemical imbalances when consumed for longer periods of time and larger quantities.  

Brain volume also decreases due to chronic alcohol intake.  

There are some subtle differences in how brain damage occurs in men and women,  but regardless of gender, loss of brain matter increases with age and amount of alcohol consumed.  

More than two units a day for men and one unit a day for ladies is considered excess alcohol.

11. Working when sick

 If ever need an excuse  to get out of work, well here's one. We often fall sick when we’re overworked.  

If you continue working during an illness, it’s bound to take a toll on the brain’s  efficiency and this only adds to the stress.

 A certain study showed that participants who  had developed a cold reported less alertness, more negative moods and sluggish thinking. A  second round of tests also revealed that they reacted slowly and were slower at learning  new information and completing tasks dealing with verbal reasoning and semantic processing. 

When we’re sick the body and the brain are already working overtime to cope with the infection.  Working while sick only adds to the burden so take a break, relax and get better.

12. Not exercising 

  • Exercise affects the brain immensely.  It increases your heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain.
  •  It also helps in the bodily  release of a number of hormones, all of which participate in aiding and providing a conducive  environment for the growth of brain cells.
  •  Exercising is also known to decrease stress levels  in the body and 
  • Also increases mobility and makes you more flexible. If you don’t exercise enough,  your mobility and motor skills begin to decline in one way or another.  
  • helps to keep us younger by releasing endorphins which are  happy hormones. All in all, exercise strengthens your heart and your lungs, not just the brain.  

If you’re concerned with the well-being of your brain and the quality of your  thinking either now or in the future you need to learn to take care of your brain.  

A few changes to the way you’re living your life could go a long way in boosting your memory,  learning, mental resilience and the health of your brain overall.

Thank you guys so much for your time, if you liked or found value in the article do  give it a thumbs up and don't forget to comment.With that said, have a great day you guy’s   .

Bill Gates' Advice, for Young People Who Want to Be Rich

10 Advice by Bill Gates to Young People Who Want to Be Rich

He became a billionaire in 1987 at the age of 31 and the richest man in the world at the age of 39, Bill Gates has since then remained one of the richest people in the world.

Kind of him, he has given various advice to young people over the years on how they can become rich and successful.

By sharing with you 10 of the most inspiring advice Bill Gates has given and I hope some of his advice change your life.

No. 7 is our favorite advice and I need you to see it Let’s get started.

Advice No. 1.

"Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world ...

 If you do so, you are insulting yourself."

Abraham Lincoln once wrote to the teacher of his child to make a request.It was a simple one; “Teach him that nobody in the world is bigger than him and he’s bigger than no one”.

Unfortunately, most young people in our world today live their lives comparing themselves to every other person and end up trying to be everyone.That’s the path to unhappiness and failure in life.

Listen!You’re a unique being who is not designed to be good in everything, but in somethingunique.

Your life’s mission isn’t to beat other people in their games.Your life’s mission is to know your own game.

Be yourself.Know that nobody is better than you and you’re better than no one.You’re simply a unique being who is capable of achieving what nobody else can.

Advice No. 2.

"To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks."

The best time of your life to dare life is when you’re young because you have nothing to lose, really nothing.

  • Don’t take life easy.
  • Don’t live like everyone.
  • Don’t just talk about your dreams.
  • Wake up and pursue it.
  • Don’t make excuses.
  • Start with whatever you have wherever you are.
  • Get out and get lost.

Advice No. 3.

Your exposure from a young age to the realities of the world is a super-big thing.

Most people don’t know what life really is, until they are 40.Most people live with the illusion that life is (or should be) easy.Most people expect the government or their parents to solve their problems.

The earlier you understand the realities of life, the more successful you will become.

What then is the reality?Well, the reality is that, life is tough and nobody will help you to solve your problems.

We’re sorry, your parents or government cannot help you.

The earlier you take 100% responsibility for your life, the more successful you’ll become.

No. 4.

You need a coach.

It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player In life, you’ll become the person you admire.If you don’t admire anyone significant, you’ll become nobody significant.

You need a coach, someone to inspire and challenge you, someone to help you believe in yourself.

Your coach doesn’t always have to be someone you have physical access to, you can decide to read books written by people who have achieved what you want to achieve.

You can follow such people online and watch their inspiring videos.

But why is this important?

Simple; because life is tough and most people around you don’t know anything about success.

If your father isn’t successful, he can’t teach you how to be successful.

If you siblings are mediocre, they can’t inspire you to be successful.

That’s why you need to look outside your domain for someone who can inspire and challenge


No. 5.

"If you show people the problems and you show people the solutions, they will be moved to act."

To be successful in life, you must be able to lead people and to get them motivated toward a common goal.

To motivate people into actions, you’ll have to show them what the problem is and what can be done to create a solution.

As a leader, don’t just give instruction, let people know the reason why what has to be done needs to be done.

No. 6.

"Success is a lousy teacher.

It can seduce you into thinking you can't lose."

If you want to be successful for a long time, you have to be humble.

So many people have been successful for few minutes because they got to a point where they started thinking that they know it all.

People who are successful for a long time never stop learning because they know that they can lose if they don’t keep on learning.

 No 7.

I spend a lot of time reading.”

Even as one of the richest man in the world for over 3 decades, Bill Gates still remains a voracious reader because he understands that life changes every day and the only way to remain relevant is to keep on learning.

In this day of social media and “interesting” movies, how many young people take time to read good books anymore?

Yet, the books you read determine the future you’ll have.

Just as Charlie Jones said; “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read”.

No 8.

We start life with many big dreams–things we want to accomplish, create, build and experience.

But if you ask anyone past the age of 40 what happened to all the dreams they had, they will most likely answer; Life.”

According to a study, out of 60 people who are planning to start their own businesses right now, only one of them will ever start anything.

Not only business, people generally hate the pains of taking action, so much that, even when they try to take action, the first failure or second send them back to their comfort zone.

Most people are dreamers because dream is sweet.You can’t be healthy for long if you only eat sweet things.

Dream is sweet and everyone eat it.Action is bitter and that’s why only few people take proactive, determined and persistentactions.

Be among the few who get up from their dreams.Get out and get crazy.

No 9.

"Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning."

The first big success of Microsoft happened in the year 1980 when Bill Gates partnered with the IBM and ever since then, Bill Gates has always been on the look out to whom he can partner with.

His passion for partnership was so strong that Microsoft even went to the extent of partnering with one of their biggest competitors, Apple computer.

What can you learn from this?Two are better than one.

You’ll grow and succeed faster in life, if you learn how to work with other people.

No 10.

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

This explains itself.

Your unhappy clients and customers give you feedbacks about what needs to be corrected in your products or services.

In summary, if you want to be rich and successful in life, don’t compare yourself with anyone,never allow your dreams to die, be strong and take risks, be humble, read good books and learn how to work and partner with other people and share it with your friends on social media.

What to NEVER Put On Your Face!

So you may be surprised that there are certain things that you may think are good for your face but just are not. 

According to Dr. Anthony  known as America's holistic plastic surgeon and who helps health conscious women over 30 look their best ,by teaching them a holistic approach to health and beauty. 

 Here are five things that you should never put on your face and I bet you're going to be surprised at some of the things that  I have on my top five list on things to avoid on your face.

Well let's start with number five it's

Bar soap 

I know at least everybody  applies and has used bar soap to cleanse the skin on our  faces countless times ,like most other men and probably most other women.

But bar soap is not good to wash your face, with bar soap is very drying to your skin and it often contains sodium lauryl sulfate. Which  is a substance that causes the soap to lather really well, because we like lathering don't we?

Well unfortunately that same lathering substance can really really dry your skin

There is a common belief that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) causes skin discomfort and irritation. So, people in beauty circles often advise avoiding products with sodium lauryl sulfate for skin care troubles. 

 Use bar soap on your body if you want,but keep it away from your face

 Number four 

Petroleum jelly

So you may have had it applied by your mother or your grandmother onto your face or your lips and it was seen and has been seen for a long time as the ultimate natural moisturizer.

Well take a look at what it is jelly, isn't so bad but petroleum it was actually discovered at the bottom of basically petroleum barrels and this is where it comes from and this is not good for your skin.

It can also clog your pores, it's very occlusive so if you've got any history of any type of acne not good to put on your skin. So stay away from petroleum jelly honestly over your whole body.

There are some natural ones made of beeswax that I would go with instead of petroleum

Number three

Body moisturizer

 Body moisturizer is great for your body but not so great for your face and like petroleum jelly . Bodyworks riser can clog your pores ,it can

cause you to break out now.  You can go to the store you can buy body moisturizer in these big bottles for just a few dollars as long as it doesn't contain harmful ingredients with unfortunate,which unfortunately a lot of them do.

Then it's not a bad idea to use that for your body but for your face stick with agood facial moisturizer. We have one natural and organic ingredients called the calming antioxidant moisturizer, it's a great moisturizer for your face does not clog your pores and has antioxidants in it . So use a moisturizer like that one made for your face not one made for your body.

Number two 

Is rubbing alcohol

Astringents you may have heard of that or toners often contain alcohol in it,and it gives the same feeling as rubbing alcohol on your skin and that feeling basically is a nice clean.

Squeaky clean colder type of a feel and it feels good to put it on your skin . But what it does basically is, it rubs off all of the oils of your skin and there are people who have real oily skin .

They have acne issues, excess sebum and they think that using rubbing alcohol or astringents can get rid of that oil.

But what happens is it gets rid of the oil temporarily ,but then your skin realizes that it's missing oil and it creates even more oil in response. So what can happen is you can get into this vicious cycle,where if you've got oily skin and you're using rubbing alcohol or astringents or toners with alcohol that your skin actually gets more and more oily so stay away from it.

Interestingly enough a lot of people have oily skin, do really well with oils cleansing,cleansing your skin with oils.

  Stay away from rubbing alcohol,stay away from astringents and toners that are filled with alcohol as well so.

Number one

 Avoid putting on your face and this one's gonna be a bit controversial it is.

Yes,that so there are sperm facials that are very popular .uh people literally sell sperm facials for hundreds and hundreds of dollars and there is this belief that applying semen or sperm basically to your skin is actually good for it .

Well the reality is probably pretty far from that people say, well because it contains antioxidants. It's good for the skin I mean marginally but it has not really been tested just how much antioxidants are in that.

The other thing is people say well it contains a lot of protein, well meat contains a lot of protein as well and we don't necessarily apply meat to our skin. 

The other thing with semen and sperm basically is that,it can contain sexually transmitted diseases and so chlamydia of your eye is not so fun.

So this is something that's kind of funny ,once again there are places that have these types of facials but it's not necessarily something that I would use as a beauty product. So I hope that thishas been educative  for you.

So take a peek comment and share

10 Habits That Will Positively Improve Your Life Forever

Habits that will positively improve your life forever.What makes successful people, successful you may ask?

All I can say is, it takes focus, personal discipline, and the will to make things happen frequently.

One thing they have in common is the good habits and daily rituals they foster to improve the quality of their life.

The truth is, old habits can be difficult to change, but some new essential habits you can adapt can positively improve your life forever!

Since we are what we repeatedly do, these habits (if adopted) will improve your mental and physical health.

Your overall feeling of well-being will also increase, improving your quality of life substantially.In return, you get to enjoy a happier, less stressed life with fewer health complications.

Not such a bad outcome for such little compromise, don't you think?

1.Create a morning ritual.

Waking up early isn’t the only thing that can change your life for the better.It’s also about setting up a morning routine and doing similar things orderly.

Having a to-do list as the first thing in the morning will give you the motivation and enthusiasm to take you throughout the day.

This will kick out procrastination that sometimes leaves you overwhelmed and paralyzed on what to do as the next step.

Aside from a to-do list, some morning exercises such as a run or a healthy breakfast can leave you supercharged.

If the great outdoors isn’t for you, then maybe some morning meditation and yoga would do.Maybe read an inspiring book for 30 minutes?You could also take your refreshing shower, read, or listen to the news as you drink your morning cup of coffee.

Establishing a meaningful morning ritual helps you kickstart your day on a proactive note that impacts it positively.After all, we are all creatures of habit, why not do them often if they give us pleasure?

2.Follow the 80/20 rule.

As simple as it sounds, this principle suggests that in any situation, 20% of the tasks yield 80% of the results.

This means that your to-do list is important, but the tasks that create the biggest impact deserve most of your time and energy.

If you focus on this 20%, you’d have maximized productivity and have the freedom to focus on other activities on the same to-do list.

This will help people who are easily distracted or rather very overwhelmed with a huge workload.

3.Learn to single-task.

Although you may assume because we live in a busy, bustling city so the art of multi-family comes naturally, hate to break it to you, but only 2% of people in the world can multitask successfully.

There’s no harm in multitasking occasionally, however, constant juggling between tasks limits your focus.

This in return contributes to mental clutter by making it difficult for your brain to filter out irrelevant information making your brain jump from one task to another without being able to focus properly on neither one.

A Stanford University study concluded that multitasking lowers efficiency and may impair your cognitive control.Instead of multitasking, choose one thing on your to-do list and give it your full and undivided attention until you are done.

One of the immediate visible results is that you’ll feel less stressed and restless decreasing the probability of making mistakes.

This in return makes you become more productive.

Single-tasking will make you realize you feel less stressed, make fewer mistakes, and become more productive.

4.Appreciate more.

Are you grateful for what you already have?You may be riding a bicycle to work and not that BMW you have been dreaming about, but are you grateful that you have the means to get you to work?Legs to peddle, a job, despite the high rate of unemployment?

If you feel bad about complaining about your current quality of life, remember, someone is having it worse than you, and they are equally grateful.Consciously practising gratitude should be the motto.

Tony Robbins said, “When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears.”Practising gratitude is a great way to create positivity in your life.It will help reduce stress and improve your mental health.

So, how can you cultivate this healthy habit?For a start, you could take ten minutes every day to focus on what you are grateful for—writing down at least three things daily, dwelling in their magnificence, and celebrating their gift.

Your existence is a miracle in itself, what are the odds of you being born over 400 quadrillion options?

5.Go for a social media detox.

The digital world comprises over 90% of our planet, and every time something new is trending on social media.

Maybe you are catching up on a trip that someone went or someone just bought a new house, some of the information shared can either impact you positively or negatively.

It doesn’t matter how positive it is though, sometimes you can get so consumed in social media you lose touch with reality.Not forgetting how time-consuming it is!

Research says the average person has five social media accounts and spends almost 2hours every day checking their social media feed.This has also been linked to increased depression cases due to mental clutter.

A social media detox seems to be the only reasonable remedy in such a situation to reduce stress levels.

Just switch off your phone or any other device you may use to access social media for a few hours every day to improve your mood and reconnect with the world around you.

6.Exercise often.

One should set aside at least 15 to 30 minutes within a day for exercises.I mean, countless benefits come with exercising.

Other than the physical improvement, regular workouts regularly pump up creativity and enhance your cognitive skills.

Exercise also helps decrease the risk of developing some serious health issues such as type 2 diabetes.

Exercising doesn’t have to be boring, nor does it have to involve lifting heavy equipment at the gym.

It could involve fun activities that you do for fun such as dancing around the house,playing with your pet, or even taking a walk with a friend.

Even for the greatest of fitness gurus, they can attest that starting was the hardest task.

The first month of creating a new fitness habit may seem demanding but committing yourself will help in the long run.

Your social behaviour will improve, appetite will be normal, digestion will be seamless,better sleep, improved memory, the list of benefits goes on and on!

If you are not currently in the habit of exercising, you can start gradually with minor achievable exercises.

Imagine if you only did 10 jumping jacks before you shower every day?What happens if you did this for a year, where would you be?Here’s a tip, exercising outside will not only bring you extra benefits for the bodybut also the mind and soul.

7.Invest in self-care.

Sometimes we get absorbed with work that we forget to simply take a break.It could be school, looking after the family, running our business, or even a job keeping you preoccupied.

However, sometimes it is a good idea to just sit back and relax.Taking some time off to unwind can do wonders for your mood and mental health but also self-esteem.

This can be doing at least one thing that makes you feel good daily.Watch some vlogs, listen to music, learn a new skill online, take a long bubble bath,DIY something cool, or even prepare a nice meal!Just take some time off and have fun.

8.Read Books .

There are great benefits to stimulating your brain daily, though some aren’t instantly obvious, science is proving that our brain changes as we learn.

Without exercising the brain, our brains tend to slow down and become less responsive and more prone to disease over time.

Reading books is an amazing way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity.Just like meditation, reading books gives a calming effect and also improves focus.

Not all books have the same effect, non-fiction books are excellent for broadening the horizon by motivating you and helping you develop new ideas.

Since they are based on real-life experiences, they offer actionable advice on how to overcome all kinds of challenging situations.

It has been proven that people who continuously learn have faster responses, better social skills, and have greater overall wellbeing.

It can help to fight dementia, improve memory skills, make it easier to process new information,and makes you more productive.

Also, the idea of learning something new gives you a sense of purpose and makes you a more interesting person.

To help you ease into this habit, opt to read a book rather than social media or tv.You can even set a reminder on your phone twenty minutes before you plan to sleep and make time for this habit.

Turn off your devices, take a real book, and hold it in your hands.B0ecome absorbed into its wonder!

9.Create social connections with positive people.

As much as you may enjoy some alone time, did you know that if you want to add more days into your life, you should add some strong social ties and community support?

Social connections not only give us pleasure, but they also influence our long-term health.It’s as important as nutrition, sleep, and exercise.

Relationships are as important to us as food to our bodies or sunlight on our souls.As you do this, be mindful of the individuals you are associating yourself with.

They should also have a positive approach towards life or on the journey towards one.You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with so you shouldn't pick up some bad habits in the name of socializing.

The ones you love and care for should be somewhere on top of that list since they are the ones we lean on when stress arrives or life becomes hectic.

It doesn’t matter what you are working on or focusing on in life, as long as you organize priorities.

Think of it this way, do you remember to say “I love you” and “I appreciate you”?

Do you have a bad habit of pushing your loved ones away when more ‘important’ things come up?

Time set aside for your loved ones must be treasured.You don’t have to wait until a problem arises.

Most new relationships and friendships start with fun, excitement, and the desire to show love and enjoy life.That’s not all, being mindful to make every human interaction positive is key.

When your time on earth comes to an end, how will you be remembered?Be in the habit of leaving people in a more joyous state than when you found them instead of lowering them.

10.Practice Minimalism.

 Don’t worry, I am not saying clear out all your stuff and live a hippie lifestyle.Not that there’s anything wrong with that.All I’m saying is that you may have a lot of stuff and that can negatively impact our lives.

We have a habit of collecting, displaying, moving, cleaning, and finally storing stuff.You will come to know that this stuff does not necessarily make us happy but instead just wastes our time sorting them out.

Minimalism is a health and wealth thing.As you get rid of things you do not use or need,you are left with an uncluttered simple environment and life.

It’s the art of using simple tools, keeping a simple wardrobe, carrying less, and living lightly.

Life is short and it can be hectic with sensory overload.Imagine all the distractions of “stuff”, relationships, work, and the stress of bills all at once!

Minimalism offers you the opportunity to move the focus from possessions and tasks to family and enjoyment.

It’s not a get happy quick scam, minimalism does declutter your life giving you more room for more important things that make you happy.

As you spend less on buying and replacing things, you are in return saving more.Your wealth will increase but in the same vein, so will your time.

A minimalist lifestyle will make your home easier to clean, your time easier to manage,and essentially your life easier to live!

The bonus takeaway is to determine your priorities.Getting your priorities straight will help you live a life you love.

It’s not always easy to figure things out but if you stop trying to solve many issues simultaneously, you can have a starting point and improve gradually.

Now, how about you pull up your socks, it's time to win at life!

Thank you guys so much for your time

I hope you enjoyed and found value in the , if you did go ahead and give us a thumbs up!

With that said, have a great day you guys, and I'll see you all in the next one.

Lydiah Mogiti Bundi Teach4SDGs pictures