
This is about parenthood and lifestyle

Ways for Promoting Literacy and Love for Reading in Kids.

 Ways for Promoting Literacy and Love for Reading in Kids.

Are you a parent and you don't know how to promote literacy and love for reading? Has your child ever developed the  problem of reading ? Don't worry. 

Certainly, promoting literacy and love for reading in kids is a wonderful way to set and prepare them for lifetime of learning and enjoyment. I have prepared various tips that can help your kid to develop love for literacy and reading

1.Start early.

Begin to read to your child as early as from infant,even if the kid doesn't understand the wording,but they can enjoy the sounds and rhythms and tone of your voice. You may wonder how possible is that,but keep on reading for him or her. Just have a positive mind for your kid even if she has not developed fully. By doing so you create love for reading.

2. Create a Reading Routine.

Ensure that you stick to your reading schedule. You should have a daily reading routine such as bedtime stories,this will broaden your baby's mind and makes reading a habit.

3. Be a role model in reading

Children often emulate or copy their parents behavior. You should try and read books, magazines, newspapers infront of your children. They will be motivated and become eager to know how to read on those journals.

Don't ever deny the kid the chance even to look at the pictures inside the books or Newspaper,because if you rebuke them , they will develop negative attitudes towards reading 

4. Read A loud.

Ensure that you read a loud to your kids,even after they start reading on their own . Also allow them to read  loud so that they can have the following benefits:

  • Helps in building vocabulary.
  • Improves comprehension and active listening.
  • Reduces stress and makes them happy.
  • It improves working memory.

5. Build a Home Library

Ensure  that your home has a variety of age appropriate reading books.The library should contain books like Sound and Read,My first Book to Read,My first Sound to Read,from pre-school up to University levels. You can also take your kids to community libraries or the National Libraries to read more books.

6. Join a Reading Program.

As a parent you should search and know the community that have reading programs and events for kids. For example the kid can join various clubs for reading in the society . Even some churches have the the programs for children participating in the competition of reading from the scriptures. They are told to open a certain chapter and a verse and the first one to get is being rewarded. This will create curiosity for children to read more.

7. Ask Questions

Give the child time to read a book and then ask the questions. Either you can ask them to narrate what they have read,characters or their favourite parts. Through asking questions makes them to be more keen and develop more concentration when reading a certain story. It also helps them to comprehend and develop critical thinking.

8. Let them choose.

Allow your kid to choose or select books that interest them. Even if it's not what you would  like to choose, their enthusiasm for the topic is more important. Do not ever.111 discourage them for the books they have chosen. Just encourage them to read and contemplate what is in the book. Respect their reading choices,even if they want to reread the same books ,just allow them and don't be harsh to them.

9. Limit Screen Time

Most of the kids nowadays are fond of looking at the screen so much.They can mean to watch their favourite movies of various series, either of cartoons and forget to read. You should set strict rules and boundaries when to watch the screen. Be encouraging the kid to read by setting reasonable limits on screen time,so that they have time for books.

10. Make it Fun.

You should employ funny voices and be humorous and comedic. If it's a story of a dog and a cat,just where and be like a dog or a cat and start reading for them. They will never forget about the stories and they will develop the interest of reading the books.

12. Celebrate Achievements. Whenever a baby makes a milestone in reading books,just appreciate them. Give them appraisal awards even by congratulating them or even promise to buy them their favourite toys or items,this will accelerate their reading habits. Positive reinforcement encourages reading . Always avoid small criticism even if they haven't achieved what you needed. By supporting them and encouraging them,gives them hope to work hard.

13. Support their Curiosity.

Most of the kids are curious and they keep on discovering and asking new things about certain areas like .Why am I a boy or a girl,who is God and who created me.You can read for them books and explain to them so that they can easily understand. Take time to look for answers in the books and they will develop and will like reading.

14. Visit Author Events.

If possible look for the authors of the books or attend author's events or books signing to show the real people behind the stories.


Promoting literacy and love for reading starts with you as a parent. Always remember to encourage your child to read by building a home library, supporting their curiosity,reading in their presence. 

Remember to share,comment and like. You can also add some tips on building literacy and love for reading.

Bonding with Baby:10 Heartwarming Activities for New Parents .

Have you ever thought of becoming A new Parent and how you should bond with your Baby? Becoming a parent is a development process or stage filled with love ,joy and responsibility. One of the greatest beautiful journey is the opportunity to bond with your new baby. Bonding not only plays the role of togetherness and closeness ,but also strengthens the emotional and cognitive development.

Most of the New Parents have worries on how to create those heartwarming moments. I have prepared for you 10 Heartwarming activities that can help you strengthen the bond with your baby.

1. Skin-to-skin contact 

From the time your baby is born, you should practice skin to skin contact or kangaroo. Make sure everytime you hold your baby against you bare skin either on the chest which promotes physical closeness and warmth.It also helps in offering comfort and security.

2 .Bath time

Bath time can be fun and bonding experience. Gently wash your baby with soap,even allowing them to touch the soft cotton which  you are using to wash her. Sometimes the kid tend to wash herself,just let her wash even if it means rubbing herself with the cotton. Splash water and allow them to tap the water to produce the sound ,which helps them to enjoy.

3. Baby Massage

 After the baby has taken the bath,take the chance to gently massage your baby. While you're holding your baby close, gradually start stroking their legs and back. Then move on to other areas such as arms. Your baby should be calm,alert when giving massage.

Benefits of Baby Massage

  • Promotes social, emotional and cognitive development.
  • Helps a baby to relax and release tensions of daily stimuli.
  • Decreases irritability and excessive crying.
  • Reduces gas,colic and intestinal difficulties.

It's not best time for a massage ,when your baby turns their head away from you or stiffens their arms(according to Mayo Clinic).You should not do massage immediately after the child has eaten, because it will make the baby to vomit.

4. Eye Contact and Smiles

Baby are naturally drawn to faces that smile and eye contact. You can make various facial expressions,smile and gaze into your baby's eyes which makes the baby to learn non-verbal communication and develop relationship skills. For example when you smile and make eye contact, you show your child how to relate warmly with others.

Also you can try to imitate what your child is saying thus developing listening skills to the child.

5. Tummy Time

Tummy Time refers to placing baby on their stomach, while they are awake and someone is watching them. You can start a tummy time a day or two days after they are born. As your child gets older,you can have longer,more regular sessions throughout the day. You can start by:

  1. Spreading the blanket or a mat on a clear area of the floor.
  2. Place the a rolled up towel under baby's arms to help prop them up slightly.
  3. Put a toy within baby's reach to help baby interact with the surrounding and learn to play.
  4. Then sit infront of the baby to encourage interaction and bonding.

Benefits of tummy Time

     a)Strengthens baby's neck, shoulder and           arms for easier sit up,crawl and walk.    

      b)Prevents flat spots on back of the                   baby's  head.

       c) Helps in motor skills 

6. Baby Sign Language

Try to use simple baby sign language that are easily understood by your baby. You can use various signs to mean various activities. For example ,when the baby wants to breastfeed ,you can use your mouth by holding your both lips together and start mimicking

When feeling hungry  and she wants to eat you can you use both your fingers and hold them together as you continue rubbing them close to your mouth or you can make a yarn or make a C shape with hands as if you are holding the cup then move it  to your mouth.

When saying "Yes"you can use 👍,when saying "No " you can use your index ☝️ finger and shake it .

Baby Sign Language reduces frustrations and strengthens your understanding of each other.

7. Explore Nature Together

Taking your child around your backyard,either in the garden,flower gardens and tear some flowers 🌻 🌹 🌺 or walking around the forest,makes the child to enjoy the natural nature of creation. You can also try to lie down and watch the sky ,or even at night you can take him and watch the stars and moon. The cool and fresh air, sights and sounds of the birds,provides a stimulating experience for both of you.

8. Singing and lullabies

Singing your favourite baby songs to him/her makes your baby to enjoy the melody and sounds of your voice,and provide comfort and familiarity.It also helps in good brain development and makes the baby to a fall asleep easily.

9. Reading A loud

You can choose age appropriate story books and start reading aloud to your baby. Even if the baby doesn't understand the flow of the story,but the baby can hear the soothing sounds of your voice . Reading helps in the language development and bonding.

10. Baby wearing

Baby wearing is the practice of carrying a baby in a sling or baby carrier. Baby wearing promotes attachment and bonding.

It also makes parents to be more responsive to their baby's needs and mother's are more likely to breastfeed easily.


Bonding with your new baby is an incredible and heartwarming journey. Taking bath time,baby Massage, singing lullabies, reading aloud creates beautiful moments. Each child has got her own uniqueness and the most important thing is to be present, patient and responsive to your babies cues. Cherish these early moments and they are the foundations for a strong,loving bond that will last a lifetime. 

Do you have any other tips on creating bonding with your baby? You can help me in the comment section and help me to share the content to New Parents in the city.

The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep for Kids: Tips and Tricks to Help Your Children Get the Rest They Need.

 The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep for Kids: Tips and Tricks to Help Your Children Get the Rest They Need.

Are you tired of fighting the bedtime battle with your little ones?Do they keep on tossing and resist going to bed and keep on turning all night long? I understand how difficult and frustrating it can be,but what if I tell you that a good night sleep is not just important for your sanity but also for your child's overall health and well being.

The following are tips for and tricks to help your child  get the rest they need:

1. Set an individualized bedtime

Most kids have patterns that  don't change much,no matter what you do.Those who have the routine of waking up earlier even if they sleep late,they will still wake up earlier. They stay awake for some hours until their bodies are ready.

2.Set a wake up time

Setting a wake up time based on how long your kid needs time to go to bed and sleep. Create awake up time routine as early as preschool years to prevent stress in future and be consistent with the schedule. 

Even if it's  a weekend or a holiday , don't try to change the schedule because the kid will adjust to the current situation and when school time reaches ,they will be horrible to handle.

3.Create a consistent bedtime routine 

Before dinner if the kid has come from school,they should have a light playtime,bath,do homework, bedtime story and then sleep. The routine should be accommodative and comforting.

4.Put off screens

Too much of screens affects the baby's emotional development including sleep disturbance, obesity, depression and anxiety. It promotes aggressive behaviours and hinder social and emotional competence.

Some of the parents have the tendency of giving their kids androids even at earlier age ,not knowing that they are destroying the emotional development of the kids. 

Also the kids can mean to watch their favourite cartoons or movies ,until even if they are pressed for short and long call ,they ignore and they soil for themselves.

You are supposed to switch off  or keep away your child from screens ,to create more time for sleeping.

5.Create a sleep-conducive environment

Make sure that the bedroom should be clean  meaning you should ensure that all distractive things that make your kid not to sleep well are well organized.

Ensure that beddings are soft,the lights should be switched off to help the kid to distinguish  between day and night. Also any kid of noise should be avoided to enable the kid to fall a sleep easily.

6.Keep it cool

The sleeping room should not be too cold or too hot. The temperature should be moderate and accommodating to the child. You should address the kid in a breathable cotton pyjamas and keep the room temperature at 65 to 70' F at night according to Whitney Roban,PhD, Clinical psychologist and sleep specialist.

7.Be on the look out for sleep disorders

Always try to find out what makes the kid to have sleep disorders. It could be nightmares that makes the child to be scared,maybe she could be snoring or disturbed by snores from others or breath through the mouth. Just consult your pediatrician Incase of any concerns .

8.Get exercise

Make sure your kid always plays a physical activity for 1 hour,because it makes the kid to relax her mind and accelerate the sleep. The kid falls a sleep faster inorder to recover the energy lost during the day. Alternatively, kids should avoid vigorously activities with 2 hours of bedtime.

Importance of good Night's sleep to kids

A good Night's sleep is paramount importance for children as it plays crucial role in overall development and well being.

It's a period which various physiological and psychological processes occur.

  • It helps children replenish their energy level,promote optimal physical growth and development.
  • Critical brain functions are enhanced, facilitating memory consolidation and learning retention while promoting concentration and effectiveness throughout the day.
  • Furthermore,deep slumber aids emotional and regulation by mitigating stress levels in children and facilitating better control over their emotions.
  • Promotes mood stability and reduces irritability or  issues that can arise due to inadequate sleep patterns among kids.


In conclusion, a good night's sleep is crucial for the overall health and well-being of children. It not only helps them physically by aiding in their growth and development, but it also has a significant impact on their mental and emotional states. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children get enough quality sleep each night. By following the tips mentioned above and creating a consistent bedtime routine, we can help our kids reap the numerous benefits of a good night's rest. So let us prioritize our child's sleep and watch them thrive in all aspects of their lives.

How to make money as a stay at home mom

Being a stay at home without any job can be tiresome. It can also make you not to cater for your family basic needs. Sometimes it makes mom's who don't have a permanent job,to be isolated,being despised either by their husbands,their relatives,friends because they feel that they don't contribute anything to the family. Forgetting that parenting also is a great job.

If you don't have any job and you feel like you're pressed with difficulties,just have hope. I have best ways to make money while you are at home. Even most of the mom's see were working from 8/5 or 9/5 have decided to work from home because they have found the jobs to be done at their own pace,without any pressure from their bosses.

At home you can do many jobs,and even if you have small kids, it will give you easier time to take care of them. You will work at you own pleasure and manage your family easily.

The following are the ways you can make money while stay at home mom.


Blogging is the the idea of writing content, photography,videos and publish it online in a website. It entails in writing in various niche on certain topics that would be on parenthood, lifestyle,education, entertainment,news,sports and other topics. 

As a stay home mom you can you opportunity of parenting and write on parenthood and you can write out your skills on parenting. Most of the parents especially the new parents they need or are seeking advise on how they are supposed to bring up their children. They needs your tips that would help them. 

You can also write on various topics that you have a passion in it,you monetize it and you start earning from your come home office.

Online tutor

You can offer online teaching classes to students. There are various platforms that are employing online tutors to teach various subject of their specialization. These platforms give students and they give take a certain percentage of commission and the rest remains to you. 

You can apply on Preply, Amazingtalker,italki, teacherOn, Apprentus, Chegg, TutorMe, Cambly and others . You teach online either by using zoom,Skype google meets,webinars and other available online Internet.

You can also teach a langauge to non native speakers. For example you teach English, Swahili,French, Chinese, Spanish, Mandarin and other foreign langauges.

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is providing administrative services remotely. You work from a remote office especially from home. Virtual Assistant performs the following functions.

  • Responds to emails and make phone calls 
  • Arrangements of travel events and accommodation 
  • Make a contact list
  • Prepare customer spreadsheet and make online records.
  • Does the market research.
  • Create presentations.
  • Organize managers' calendar. 
 The goodness of Virtual Assistant you work at your own flexible times. There's no pressure . You need to have some skills on bookkeeping,email listing,have a PC and stable internet. Moreso you should be committed to your work ,so that you finish the project and submit it earlier.

Data Entry Clerk
Data entry is the process of transferring of paperwork documents into computerized  or database. You must be familiar or have the skills in typing, knowledge on Microsoft word, spreadsheet excel inorder to complete your work. 
The following are the duties of a data entry clerk.
  1. Transfer data from paper formats into computer files or database systems.
  2. Typing in data provided directly from customers.
  3. Creating spreadsheets with large numbers of figures .
You should make sure that you don't make any mistake when entering the data. If you make a slight mistake ,the whole process will be in a mess.
Make sure you meet the deadline and don't be lazy ,because you will loose more customers.

Social Media Manager

Social media managers are in charge of planning,creating, publishing content through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, twitter and others.
They create marketing campaigns and build a bigger brand.
You should possess the following skills.
*Graphic design
*Analytics who studies metrics like reach(impressions,views) engagement (comments,likes,shares)
*Customer service
*Community management (replying to sms, engage with loyal customers especially engaged followers and turn them into brand advocates.
*Digital marketing and creativity
*Strategy and planning (copywriting, design, publishing schedule and timing,as well as running paid ads.
Social media doesn't require you to be in an office,you can work comfortably from your remote area.
Travel Agent
As a stay home mom you can work comfortably from you home.Travel agent is the most lucrative job ,because you can do it online. Sometimes it may require you to do a previst to the place,so that you will full information for your client .
The travel agent makes booking and payment using online computer systems.
Sell transportation, lodging and admission to entertainment activities to individual and groups planning trips.
Offer advice on destination
Plan trip itinerary and make travel arrangement for client.

Are  you a stay home mom and you know how to speak two languages or more?. Then here's the opportunity for you. You can translate from a different language to your native language. For example,from English to Spanish,French,Chinese, Germany, Mandarin, Swahili and others. 
You are being given a document either that it's written in a langauge then you translate it,or you can translate a speech.
You can register yourself in many platforms that employ translators. For example Fiverr, Upwork, Flex jobs, ZipRecruiter and other platforms.

As a proofreader you make sure that there's no spelling mistakes,the punctuation is done properly,the sentence are written without any errors. 
The clients sends you a document which is written and assigns you to proofread. You should ensure that you have the high proficiency in either English or whatever the language the client wants the document to be proofread.

Graphic designer
Graphic designer creates the visual concepts by use of computer systems or manually by hand,to transmit specific messages to social groups with specific objectives.

Your work is to market,make brands and advertise . You use the visual elements such as colour, topography and imagery.
Company brand identity (logos, typography, and color palettes)
The graphic designer does the following responsibilities.
  • User interfaces on apps and websites.
  • Books, magazines, newspapers, and other publications.
  • Product packaging.
  • Advertisements and commercials.
  • Signage for stores, transportation, stadiums, and event spaces.
  • Video games
You need to equip yourself with necessary skills,and make sure you have PC and stable internet. Always remember to present your work on time,and avoid unnecessarily mistakes that would drain away all your potential clients. 
As stay mom, you have all the time to work at your own pace ,with any pressure. Therefore it's you to maintain discipline,respect, always communicate early when you can't complete the project,so that the client can understand.

Top tips for new parents: 10 guides for new parents.

Have you ever thought of becoming a parent and having your own family. New parents sometimes they have fear and they don't know how parenting is. New parents they sought tips from various sources ,others which are good or others misleading. When starting a family and becoming a parent it needs patience and resilience. Marriage has ups and downs,so you must accept and move on. The following tips will help new parents in their life.

1. Trust yourself

As a new parent you need to trust your instinct. Trust that you should make a  responsible parent like others. You may find many advice from the parents who have managed,seek from the books or Internet , advice from friends ,relatives and other people. Just take what's good for you and toss the rest. You know your baby better than the other person,if you really need any advice just consult your doctor.

2. Ask help

As a new parent if you feel you need a help from others,just ask. Don't die with your problem. Asking help doesn't make you to be more less parenting.  Relatives,friends they can help you to babysit and you can take that  time to take a shower,sleep for a while or you have a work. Don't tend to pretend that you are a super mum or super dad. Asking help or allowing people to help you,it creates good relationship.

Don't be afraid on how they will take it. But have a positive mind.

3. Join parenting groups

As a new parent who is struggling in raising a child or children,try as much as possible to join parenting groups either in Facebook, LinkedIn Twitter and other social media networks. In those groups there are a lot of questions which are being asked and they are answered. 

Remember to take  good advise and leave those that are not helping.  Through those groups,you will learn alot what you never knew in parenting. In those groups you will learn on how to feed your baby,care for your baby.

4. Be open minded

As a new parent, don't just assume that you know everything about parenting. Be ready to seek advice,and put off the old theories and accept the new ones. Be flexible in your life and don't have a preconceived notions and ignore the new ideas.

5. Always communicate.

Don't be afraid to communicate with your baby. Even if the baby doesn't talk back or understand what you are talking,just speak to him/her. Communicating with a baby helps in development of communication skills. It may sound weird when someone finds you talking to your infant. But that one should not scare you . You can do non-verbal communication by waving the hands,smiling and see whether the child can do it back.

6. Don't compare

New parents always try to do comparison in children. Every child has got his/her unique way of development. Don't just look at someone's baby for example she has started walking at 9 months and yours has not moved even in one step or she can't make steps while holding objects. Every child has her own milestones.

Just be patient and as you keep on having more children you will understand the differences. Always read on child's development stages, that's when you will accept.

7. Babies always cry

Remember that babies always cry. As a new parent you should not take that one as a disease. Most of the infants moreso at 1-5 months they tend to cry ,due to colic or they have been just be born and they need womb warmth. Others may cry due to hunger,they want to sleep,others are sick, overtired,upset and you need to differentiate and understand how these babies cry and how their sounds means. Just make sure you care for your baby by using the right petroleum jelly that doesn't bring itching on the skin of the baby .

8. Get time to rest.

I know it's difficult to sleep when you are supposed to have some other activities. Sometimes other children won't allow you to sleep. As a new parent you are advised to sleep when the baby is also a sleep and make sure that there's no disturbance. You can't sleep when the baby is a wake, because he needs your attention.

Sleeping makes you to relax,refresh your mind,it makes you to regain your energy and also makes you to forget about the difficult time you have been having with the baby.

9. Be patient.

Parenting needs patience. You shouldn't expect the baby to grow instantly. There should be stages when parenting. Sometimes babies tend to be terrible and annoying, because of crying,they don't want to be left alone,to eat or sleep,you need to practice patience and persistent.

Impatient of new parents leads to poor upbringing. You can't expect a baby to act like a grown up,the baby needs his/her time to develop fully. Don't have so much expectations from your baby that are impossible.

10. Love yourself

Having a new baby and being a new parent, doesn't make you not to make yourself tidy. Yeah I know parenting a little baby plus the house chores if you don't have a nanny or anybody who can help, sometimes you may forget even to take a bath, especially if you have some other children.

The children may tend to cause chaos,they make the room untidy , disarrange the things,break some items and you find you are caught up when cleaning. Just use five minutes and take a bath. 

Sometimes your body posture may change and you become more fatty, because you have baby fats that are yet to be reduced. Your skin may start peeling off, just look at the mirror and speak good things about you. You  may see your fellow friends with good shape, don't disregard yourself or avoid to hang out with them. 

Just put yourself together and believe that you will regain your shape. Even after some months you may start slowly going for yoga,or gyms to return back your shape.


Parenting it needs patience, loving yourself,asking help when need be, asking questions where you don't know about certain things, expecting stress because the baby may not be sleeping or may be sick.

Parenting as new parent can be tiresome but at the end ,you become a victor when  the baby who used to be making or giving you sleepless night has become a grown up and can do his/her own things.

If you have other tips don't forget to share them in the comments section.

25 pieces of Advice you must give to your male child

1.He should act as a man. Let him to differentiate himself and girl child. He should know his responsibility as a man of the house.

2.He should work for his own properties. Don't ever tell him that what you have belongs to him,instead show him the ways of generating income inorder to have assets.

3.He should not have pride. Let him understand that he is not more superior or a champion over the female child. Even the female will be the most superior persons if he doesn't work hard.

4. He should protect and guard the home. Give him some hints on how he should protect his family in terms of security or against raiding. When he will become a man of the house he should always defend the family thus protecting the community.

5.He should provide. As a man his responsibility will be providing for the family in terms of basic needs that are needed. He should not always depend on the woman he has married. By doing that he will have the respect from the woman.

6. He should love and be faithful. The woman that he will marry,he is supposed to love her,respect her, cherish her and not take her for granted. Tell him to love his siblings so that he can develop the heart of loving.

7. Teach him how to save. He should learn how to save from earlier ages. If you give him pocket money ,he should not squander all the money,but he will keep some money to buy for himself even a pair of shoes.

8.Teach him not to live a life of borrowers. He should be careful and cautious not to borrow money to buy luxury things to appease the ladies. After spending the borrowed money ,he will be unable to return or pay back.

9.He should be careful with ladies or woman. He should not have an earlier man woman intimacy relationship,because it will make him go astray. Woman sometimes,take an opportunity of young men and they waste their life and when his time reaches for marrying,he ends up dealing with sugar mummy.

10. He should make sure not to offend the woman that love him. Women are like rose flowers that should be watered everyday.

11. He should always fight for his manhood. Never should he allow ladies to mock her. But instead come out and protect his manhood. He should not be crying like female child.

12.Give him education. He should or must go to school and work hard,so that he can prosper in life. He should restrain from drug trafficking, smoking, robbery with violence. Education is the key for life.

13. He should know that being educated is not getting a good job,rather he should be a job creator and not a job seeker.

14.He should be able to learn some skills and knowledge. He ought to have experience skills in certain fields that can accommodate him.Let him mingle with good people or friends. He should choose his friends wisely. Not all friends are good some will be misleading.

15. Tell him the idea of choosing friends, moreso who are rich. The rich guys no longer associate with the poor. So he should carefully know the best friends to hang up with.

16. He should not be fast to get riches. He should avoid unnecessary groups that would register him in cult activities inorder to get wealth.

17. Let him hang out with people whose their source of wealth are known. He should know Children of nowdays they want to get rich without investment.

18.He should avoid too much love on football. He shouldn't dedicate all his life,time and energy to watching games all day long without focussing on his life development.

19. A man should have two things in life. The wisdom and knowledge. Without wisdom you will not make it life.

20. Inform him that his handsomeness can attract women to him. But he should know that it's love and his hard work that could keep them together.

21. He should avoid night clubs  or night parties ,because they are not good. They make young people to indulge in bad behaviours.

22. He should know that getting  a rich woman doesn't mean that she will provide for him. Women who are rich ,and you don't provide for them,are the worst ghost in the world. 

23. He should choose women who are respectful. Women who respect their parents ,elders and even their siblings.

24. He should know that wiser man don't fight to kill their fellow men inorder to gain prosperity either in power or life ,but they should fight to protect what's is good for them and other people.

25. Lastly, he should know that what he does in life ,to other people have consequences. He should know that karma is real.


Let your son know that inorder to acquire and preserve his manhood,he should work extra hard and avoid all unnecessary activities that would make his life short.

If you were a parent,what  advise would you have given your son?

If you know any other tips please don't forget to comment and share if you find this post useful.

Lydiah Mogiti Bundi Teach4SDGs pictures