This is about parenthood and lifestyle

How to balance workload at home and at work as a mother.

Many mothers have a lot to sacrifice so that they can balance the workload. It needs commitment and submission inorder to succeed. 

Am the one of them who struggles to fit at home and at office. I normally work up at 4 am ,prepare breakfast and I dress my kids and make sure they have taken their breakfast before they step out for school.

There are at times I feel like giving up. Imagine you have a 6 month year old , when you wake up to prepare breakfast the kid has woken up. It forces me to stop whatever I am doing ,I breastfed her intending for a sleep the kids end up playing. 

She starts to cheer at you. Sometimes you feel like pinching her ,but your ego can't allow you because she is a kid. So I have to entice her with breastfeeding until she eventually sleeps.

There are at times she deceives that she has slept only to be amazed the calling of  imagine that's is almost 5:30 a.m and the older kid are waiting for you.

Sometimes at work it's so stressful. You are supposed to work from 8am to 5pm and you need to travel at a longer distance. Most of the time I am late for work because I can't manage to be on time. 

During the clock out , I travel to a murram road. When it rains the motorbike sometimes tends not to pass through, because the roads are mud. It forces me to walk on foot for a longer miles so that I avoid getting stuck.

There are times I get rained on because I don't have any alternative. I don't have a personal car, so I have to wait until the rain stops so that I can proceed with my journey. Imagine it's almost 6pm and am supposed to be at home . Most of the times I reach home at 7:40-8:pm.

You are tired and upon reaching home , your house chores are waiting for you. You need to act out faster like a mother of the house ,so that things will not be in a mess.

Has or do your kids normally eat their food without any problem. Take a case where you prepare food and when you serve them ,it becomes hide and seek. Sometimes you have to sweet talk to them with all manners of names Daddy,PAPA,MUM,MA'AM and other names,so that they can eat well.

So it is my responsibility to organize myself and plan on my day to day activities, so that I can fulfill the task of the day. Even if you fill tired and exhausted and sometimes try to help your nanny so that your kids will have a good life.

Just don't forget to leave your comment and share to your friends.


bluetopaz9 said...

As a mom of 3 it's definitely a struggle at times but I'm greatful to be able to work at home and not be bounded by a certain time frame from work. When I was working a 9 to 5 via phone so I was still home, it was hard. I was nervous callers could hear the kids in the background and I would get fired. I remember trying to buy the kids different toys hoping it would keep them entertained long enough for my shift to finish.

Tracy said...

Such a great post! Thank you for sharing. Being a parent is so difficult alone, and then add in when being pulled in many different directions in life in general. I know I have guilt even not being a parent on I should be doing something, doing more, doing things differently, etc. so I can imagine it's ten-fold as a parent.

Simple n' Delight- Simply Sustainable said...

Working from home has its blessings and curses. Thank you for sharing!

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